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The Spanish War

Writings and words
1936 - 1939


Co-production:Central Fund for Social Activities of the Personnel of the Electricity and Gas Industries

​Design:Eric Cenat

Interpretation: Eric Cénat andMaria Pitarresi

Duration: 1 hour


This reading aims to take us back to Spain in the years 1936-1939 through different sources. Are therefore on the program excerpts fromnovels, of thepoems, of thetestimonialsAnd twospeech:


-     Great figures of 20th century literature have become, through their works and their media influences, true spokespersons for anti-fascist Spain: André Malraux (Hope), Georges Orwell (Tribute to Catalonia), Ernest Hemingway (For Whom the Bell Tolls), John Dos Passos (Adventures of a Young Man)…

-     The heroic defense of Barcelona and Madrid, the massacre of Guernica, the exile of the Republicans, the courage and dignity of the people, the assassination of Federico Garcia Lorca have inspired poets. Among them: Rafael Alberti, Bertold Brecht, Antonio Machado, Miguel Hernandez, Langston Hughes, Pablo Neruda...

-    Thirty-five thousandvolunteersjoined the ranks of the International Brigades to defend the Spanish Republic. They came from France, Italy, Belgium, Germany, England, the United States, Eastern European countries... Their testimonies today are moving, astonishing and give us food for thought on the nature and meaning of political engagement.

-     Two speeches given by Dolores Ibarruri, better known as La Pasionaria, are the symbol of commitment and influence of womenduring the Spanish Civil War. From July 19, 1936 in Madrid, the Pasionaria launched a vibrant appeal immortalized by the formula: “No pasaran! " (They will not pass !). On November 15, 1938 in Barcelona, a few months before thefall of the republic, she pays a last tribute to the volunteers of the International Brigades forced to return to their respective countries.

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