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Associate authors

Patrice Delbourg

Patrice Delbourg



Patrice Delbourg was born in Paris, and still lives there. Author of some sixty books, novels, essays, collections of poems, he is interested in black humor by offbeat authors, radio games (faithful accomplice of the Papuans in the head on France Culture), the race to foot and to the convicts of the bitumen.
A long-time cultural and sports journalist (Les Nouvelles Littéraires, l'Événement du Jeudi), he now also devotes himself to leading writing workshops.
Winner of the Max Jacob and Guillaume Apollinaire prizes (1996) for his works of poetry, he is also the author, with Jean-Luc Maxence, of the Poetic Year.

Among other titles published: The Distraught, the Magnitude of the Disaster, Red Lantern, Papier-mâché, Cœurraccord, Ecchymoses et cetera, Always a Late Woman, As Alphonse Allais used to say, The Melancholy of the Malécon, Particular Sign of Endurance, The Word Jugglers , The tightrope walkers of the Ritournelle, The Cowboy of the bazaar of the town hall, and Evils of excuse.

Its loyal publishing houses areThe Cherche Midi&The Astral Beaver.

Within the Théâtre de l'Imprévu, Patrice Delbourg is, with Éric Cénat, at the origin of the projectthe ideal "Lectotheque". He thus wrote and interpreted the texts of the theatrical readingsAntoine Blondin or the irony of sport ;This Allais is well worth the detour ;Robert Desnos, the man who carried in him all the dreams of the world...

For the creation of the showTracks... he wrote during a three-month residency, the text "Aérotrain, rêve en ashes".


In 2016: Solitudes on the terrace - Le Castor Astral

Making Charlemagne - Le Cherche midi

In 2017: A sweetness of chloroform - Le Castor Astral

In 2019: Son of Chamaille - Le Castor Astral

Jacques Dupont

Jacques Dupont

Author for young audiences, director and actor


After training at the Cours Florent, he played in many shows including "Volpone" (ms R. Ribeiro), "Mireille" (ms Hugo Paviot) at the Ménilmontant Theater, "If I was a man" (ms Erwan Créac' h), "It's on the fifth floor of Anne Vantal" (Théâtre Marsoulan). He has also staged various shows including "Ubu roi" at the Vingtième Théâtre, "l'Opéra de Quat'sous" at the Lucernaire forum, "Encore happy qu'il a fait beau" at the Théâtre Rive Gauche, "Mademoiselle Julie" at the Théâtre des Déchargeurs… He played with Taloch Kova "Pour un peu on b… sur la terrasse" based on texts by Alina Reyes, a show presented in bars in Paris and Avignon during the Festival off 2006.


In 2014, he created, with success, "Complimentary Artist", an amazing and touching show where he plays alone on stage. 2015 Prize for the Best Theatrical Show awarded by the Cognac Polar Festival.

Within the Théâtre de l'Imprévu, he stagedYou can not stop progress !, a show which was notably performed at the Essaïon Théâtre (Paris 4). He is the author of the shows for young audiences produced by the Company, published by Alna, and still in the repertoire:Tom the unicorn, played at the Essaïon Théâtre (Paris 4), at the Théâtre La Luna at the Avignon Festival, on a national tour and in Lebanon;Say say rememberperformed at the Essaïon Théâtre (Paris 4) and on national andA life there(created at the Théâtre Gérard Philipe in Orléans), where he plays the role of the Father of the Child.


For many years, he has staged amateur actors from the Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture de Sceaux.

He plays in the musical show Ah what a job to find a job!

Luc Tartar

Luke Tartar



Luc Tartar is a playwright and novelist, author associated with Le Grand Bleu theater in Lille, Conventional Stage of National Interest Art, Childhood and Youth.


He devotes a good part of his work to the writing of plays, for all audiences, to be seen with the family, from childhood or adolescence: In the car Simone, S'embrasent, Roulez jeunesse!, Les Anna's eyes, Fight it out, Mutin!, Ayam, Nathan Nathan, Finding Grace, In capital letters, Madame Placard at the hospital, #PeutEtre, Amédée on the beach, Mon Orient-Express, Until the end..._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


His plays are published (Lansman, Théâtrales, Espaces 34 editions) and regularly performed, in France and abroad.


S'embrasent (Lansman Editeur) has been performed with great success in Quebec, Mexico (ten different stagings of Abrasados, translation by Humberto Pérez Mortera) and in Germany (Feuer fangen, translation by Jacob Schumann) at the Theater an der Parkaue Berlin, then to the Landesbühne in Wilhelmshaven.


Anna's eyes (Lansman Publisher, Prix de l'Inédithéâtre in 2010, favorite 2014 from the association TAP – Théâtre A la Page) represented France at the Europe-America dramaturgy festival in Buenos-Aires, in June 2016, in a translation by Humberto Pérez Mortera (Los ojos de Ana) and directed by Paula Marull.


Luc Tartar took part, over the 2019-2020 season, with Agnès Renaud and the company L'esprit de la Forge, in a virtual writing residency, in connection with seven classes of middle and high schools in Hauts de France and French high schools. from Athens and Bucharest: Mon Orient-Express, a project on exile and migration.


His play Until the end, a writing commission from the Théâtre Bluff de Montréal and the Grand Bleu de Lille, on the commitments of youth, will be premiered in the spring of 2021 in Montreal and then performed in Lille, directed by Éric Jeans.


Luc Tartar is the author of two novels, The hammer of Alfred and Sauvez Régine, as well as a newspaper Les bassines, published by Editions de l'Amandier. For the writing of his third novel, Clémence, he received a residency credit from the CNL and a writing grant “Writers in Ile-de-France” from the Ile-de-France region. He was also a recipient of a scholarship from the Ministry of Culture and laureate of the Beaumarchais-SACD association, as well as of the Villa Marguerite Yourcenar.


Luc Tartar is vice-president of the association Les Scènes Appartagees, which organizes readings of contemporary plays in families.


It is translated into English, German, Spanish, Serbo-Croatian, Romanian, Polish, Persian. 

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