Artistes - Éric Cénat, Claire Vidoni
Secrétariat général - Morgane Nory
Attachée de production - Clémence Grenat
64 Quai des Augustins - 45100 Orléans
Compagnie itinérante
portée par la Région Centre - Val de Loire, subventionnée par la DRAC, le Département du Loiret et la Ville d'Orléans
Créé en 1986 par Éric Cénat, Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu affirme sa démarche artistique en lui donnant une ligne autour des mots, ceux qui donnent du sens et nous inscrivent dans le temps et l'espace. Grâce à eux, nous explorons notre passé, appréhendons notre présent et réfléchissons à notre avenir au travers de nos créations et actions culturelles.
Archives cultural actions in prison
Orléans-Saran Penitentiary Center (45)
Four theater courses in the men's and women's quarters took place in February, April and July
As part of thedevice City, Life, Holidays, Éric Cénat and Claire Vidoni worked onSelf-esteem and theater with detainees. These four one-week courses were partly carried out with the support of the Ministry of Social Cohesion and the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Loiret.
Reading aloud and performance workshop
"Reading aloud" workshop in November/December 2017, men's quarter, on the theme of "Travel".
Actions on the theme of violence against women
Representations offind the wordsaccording to the testimony collected by Claire Vidoni. Men's quarter and women's quarter, accompanied by interventions from Family Planning and the exhibitionPerspectives on domestic violence- Photographs by Lizzie Sadin - Production of the Théâtre de l'Imprévu in partnership with the DRAC Centre-Val de Loire and the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Loiret.
Three theater courses in the men's and women's quarters, in April and August
In partnership with the SPIP and the Ville, Vie, Vacances scheme.
Funny Story(s) - Readings and reading aloud workshops
Representation of Une Histoire Plurielle accompanied by the exhibition.
Workshops on the theme of The Great War, public representation and intervention by a historian.
Partnership with SPIP 77, FIPD 77 and the Museum of the Great War in Meaux.
Penitentiary center of Meaux (77)
CycleImmigration Brief.
Conception and interpretation Claire Vidoni of theatrical readings on the theme of Immigration, accompanied by testimonies, associative actors and documentaries. Visit with a group of inmates from the National Museum of Immigration History. In partnership with the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Seine-et-Marne.
Réau Penitentiary Center (77)
CycleMemory of the Deportation
Conception and interpretation by Éric Cénat of dramatized readings on the theme of Deportation, accompanied by testimonies, associative actors and documentaries. In partnership with the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Seine-et-Marne.
CycleSports & Literature
Conception and interpretation by Éric Cénat of theatrical readings on the themesports writers, accompanied by testimonials/meetings with authors such as Benoit Heimermann, Elie Robert-Nicoud and association actors and documentaries. In partnership with the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Porbation of Seine-et-Marne.
CycleMemories of the Great War
Workshops and artistic creation on the theme of The Great War, public performances.
Representation of the reading "Charles Péguy, summer 1914"
Design and performance by Éric Cénat.
In partnership with SPIP 77, FIPD 77 and the Museum of the Great War in Meaux.
Villepinte penitentiary center (93)
Respecto project and reading aloud course
As part of the fight against violence and incivility, participation in the pilot projectrespect, the selected prisoners are authorized to leave their cell for 8 hours a day in exchange for irreproachable behavior and their participation in numerous workshops (25 hours minimum per week). We offer modulesSelf-Esteem and Theater etReading aloudunder the direction of Claire Vidoni and dramatized readings in partnership with the Prefecture and the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Seine-Saint-Denis.
Orléans-Saran Penitentiary Center (45)
In partnership with the Ministry of Social Cohesion and the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Loiret and within the framework of the City, Life, Holidays system, Éric Cénat worked on a theater activity with male prisoners, from September 29 to August 2, 2016 with 5 sessions of 2 hours.
Each session followed in a logical sequence, so that the participants were not destabilized and thus progressed in confidence. This reading aloud workshop took place from October to November 2016.
The objectives being:
- Understand the text, the words, the meaning to be given
- Voice placement and pronunciation
- Body control in connection with the reading desk
- Gaze: text/public
- Concentration support
- Relationship to effort through repetitions
- Listening and respect
- Expressing feelings
- Highlighting his personality through the writings of another
Penitentiary center of Maux-Chauconin-Neufmontiers (77)
In partnership with the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Seine et Marne.
Eric Cénat has intervened in recent years on several occasions within the Meaux Penitentiary Center, in particular to offer y theatrical readings/debates on the theme of the Second World War.
Accompanied by Irène Muscari, cultural coordinator, they went beyond a simple one-day meeting. Indeed, they set up a cycle of 6 months (from January to June) called Memories of the deportation.
Ten sessions have been set up to address the memory of Jews, Gypsies, members of the Resistance and prisoners of war. Six films were screened: "The Dictator", "Life is Beautiful", "Her Name was Sarah", "Freedom", "The Heirs", "Lucie Aubrac".
Three theatrical readings were given, by actress Claire Vidoni and Eric Cénat: "Primo Levi: words and texts", "Germaine Tillion: memory and reason", "Up to Bergen"._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
For this project, Eric Cénat was accompanied by historians. Eric Brossard (Musée de la Résistance de Champigny sur Marne) and Nathalie Grenon (CERCIL), but also teachers: Anne Anglès and Marie Françoise Cénat; a director: Marie Castille Schaar; a photographer: Marie Ramaud. As well as the arrival of Hélène Mouchard Zay, daughter of Jean Zay and creator of CERCIL.
All these personalities contributed their knowledge, passed on their experience and were able to clearly answer the many questions asked.
For the tenth and final session, the presence of a witness was required: Francine Christophe, survivor of the Bergen-Belsen camp and author of the book “A privileged little girl”. This moment will remain marked in the memory of those present on June 16, as Mrs. Christophe's words were dignified, lucid, strong and sensitive.
"We have retained about fifteen prisoners who, session after session, were visibly happy to meet again, to complete their knowledge. I was touched by their warm thanks at the end of this cycle where the issues were well perceived.“Eric Cenat.
Réau Penitentiary Center
In partnership with the CERCIL-Museum-Memorial of the children of Vel d'Hiv in Orléans and the Museum of Resistance and Deportation in Champigny-sur-Marne.
On the initiative of SPIP 77 and the Théâtre de l'Imprévu, Éric Cénat accompanied by Nathalie Grenon (director of CERCIL) intervened within the Réau penitentiary center, to propose a various program there on the theme "Memories of Deportation "
from October 2016 to February 2017.
Ten sessions were organised:
- Screening of Charlie Chapelin's film with Éric Cénat
- Workshop led by CERCIL onPropagandawith Nathalie Grenon and Eric Cénat
- Meeting on the extermination camps with Éric Brossard of the Museum of Resistance and Deportation of Champigny sur Marne
- Theatrical reading by Éric Cénat
- Workshop led by CERCIL on the French internment camps and the Vel d'Hiv roundup with Hélène Mouchard-Zay (president of CERCIL) and Éric Cénat.
- Workshop led by CERCIL on the deportation of Gypsies with Nathalie Grenon and Éric Cénat
- Theatrical reading by Claire Vidoni (Théâtre de l'Imprévu)
- Meeting with the photographer Marie Rameau around the portraits of Resistance fighters
- Theatrical reading based on the book by Louyis Francis by Éric Cénat (theme of Prisoners of War)
- Meeting/debate with Francine Christophe (former deportee from the Bergen-Belsen camp) and Éric Cénat.
- Closing of the project with the visit of the Shoah Memorial in Paris
Orléans-Saran Penitentiary Center (45)
In partnership with the Ministry of Social Cohesion and the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Loiret and within the framework of the City, Life, Holidays system, Éric Cénat and Claire Vidoni worked on thepoetry reading aloudwith male and female prisoners aged 18 to 25, one week in February, April, and two weeks in August 2015. These four courses gave rise to four performances of theatrical readings.
In partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Communication and the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Loiret, the Théâtre de l'Imprévu gave a performance of the show "Ah quel boulot...pour find du boulot", on Friday, October 9, 2015 in front of an audience of mixed inmates of around 70 people.
Éric Cénat also worked on reading poetry by Jacques Prévert and African tales, aloud with male prisoners, in November 2015. These courses gave rise to two performances of theatrical readings.
Châteaudun detention center (28)
In partnership with the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Eure et Loir, Éric Cénat worked on thepoetry reading aloudwith male prisoners on the texts of Jacques Prévert. Then with Christophe Sechet, sound designer, volunteer prisoners recorded their interpretations. This recording was given to each participant and broadcast on the internal airwaves of the Detention Center, then at the Châteaudun library as part of the Printemps de Poètes in 2016.
The Théâtre de l'Imprévu gave a performance of the theatrical readingPablo Neruda: "This wind that shook my life", Wednesday, October 28, 2015.
Penitentiary center of Meaux-Chauconin-Neufmontiers (77)
In partnership with the Penitentiary Service for Integration and Probation of Seine et Marne, Éric Cénat interpreted the theatrical readingPablo Neruda: "This wind that shook my life", September 2015;
Claire Vidoni interpreted the theatrical reading "Stages of life"accompanied by the exhibition "Perspectives on domestic violence". It has also started work on collecting testimonies from perpetrators of domestic violence, with former detainees in a reintegration programme.
The prison service for integration and probation of Hauts de Seine (92)
and the Hauts de Seine remand center (92)
Éric Cénat has worked with inmates to introduce them to reading aloud, through the personal appropriation of a text and the development of self-confidence. The workshop ended with a restitution, accompanied by a performance of the theatrical reading Germaine Tillion: Memory and Reason.
Penitentiary centers of Réau and Melun (77)
In partnership with the penitentiary service for integration and probation of Seine et Marne, the performance of the musical theater show took place Boris and Bobyinterpreted by Éric Cénat and François Rascal.
Chauconin-Neufmontiers prison center (77)
In partnership with the penitentiary service for integration and probation of Seine et Marne, the performance of the theatrical reading took place Germaine Tillion: memory and reason performed by Claire Vidoni.
Orléans remand center (45)
In partnership with the prison administration, Éric Cénat intervened with the men's and women's quarters for the representation ofGermaine Tillion: Memory and Reason.
Chaconin-Neufmontiers prison service (77)
In partnership with the prison integration and probation service of Seine et Marne, took place the performance of the show for young audiences Unicorn Tom interpreted by Nathalie Vassal, Jacques Dupont and Éric Cénat.