Artistes - Éric Cénat, Claire Vidoni
Secrétariat général - Morgane Nory
Attachée de production - Clémence Grenat
64 Quai des Augustins - 45100 Orléans
Compagnie itinérante
portée par la Région Centre - Val de Loire, subventionnée par la DRAC, le Département du Loiret et la Ville d'Orléans
Créé en 1986 par Éric Cénat, Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu affirme sa démarche artistique en lui donnant une ligne autour des mots, ceux qui donnent du sens et nous inscrivent dans le temps et l'espace. Grâce à eux, nous explorons notre passé, appréhendons notre présent et réfléchissons à notre avenir au travers de nos créations et actions culturelles.
Archives cultural actions in schools
Pothier High School in Orleans (45)
Director: Claire Vidoni
Reading texts written by high school students
IUT Computer Science Department of the University of Orléans-la-Source (45)
Directors, actors: Éric Cénat & Claire Vidoni
Creation and interpretation of dramatized readingsStudent writings in June and November 2017, according to the writings of students from the IUT Informatique. Performances are given at the theater on campus, Le Bouillon.
IUT Computer Science Department of the University of Orléans-la-Source (45)
Director: Eric Cénat
Writing workshop with students from the University of Orléans-la-Source.
Robert College Lesneau de Vendôme (41)
"I dreamed of New York"
Creation and direction: Eric Cénat
Partnership with the Hectar - Scène conventionnée de Vendôme, within the framework of shared trays.
André Ampére high school in Vendôme (41)
Creation and direction: Érice Cénat
Partnership with the Hectar - Vendôme subsidized scene
Galois High School in Noisy-le-Grand in Noisy-le-Grand (93) and Paul Doumer High School in Le Perreux-sur-Marnes (94)
Interventions by actors: Charles Leplomb and Claire Vidoni.
As part of the representation ofThe Glass Menagerie.
Director: Eric Cénat
Robert Lasneau College in Vendôme (41)
Director: Eric Cénat
In partnership with l'Hectare - Conventional stage of Vendôme (41)
Show :New York New York
Rehearsals from October 2017 to May 2018.
Performances in 2018 at the Hectare - Vendôme subsidized stage.
Lions en Sullias elementary school in Lions en Sullias (45)
One-week cultural class:
-Workshops around the representation ofSay Say Remember, directed by Éric Cénat, played in Saint Aignan le Jaillard (45)
-Visit of the Theater of Orleans.
Partnership with the Community of Commune of Val Sully.
Speaker: Eric Cénat
André Ampère high school in Vendôme (41)
Director: Eric Cénat
In partnership with l'Hectare - Conventional stage of Vendôme (41)
Show :Murder at the Minaurus
Rehearsals from October 2017 to May 2018.
Performances in 2018 at the Hectare - Vendôme subsidized stage.
Mozartova High School in Pardubice - Czech Republic
Director: Eric Cénat
With the support of Aux Arts Lycéens and Decentralized Cooperation.
Show :Underground(from Martine Legrand's play "Hidden Lapiste")
Created in March 2018
Pablo Picasso College in Châlette-sur-Loing (45) and Gien (45)
Director: Eric Cénat
School performance of the showA Plural Historyfollowed by a debate with classes of 4th and 3rd.
Work: Preparation on the theme of gender equality addressed in civic education.
Areines Agricultural High School
Director: Eric Cénat
In partnership with Hectare - Vendôme subsidized scene
Show:Animal Farm
Saint Vincent de Paul high school in Paris 13th
Director: Eric Cénat
Preparing for the showOperation Romeo.
IUT Computer Science Department of the University of Orléans-la-Source (45)
Directors, actors: Éric Cénat & Claire Vidoni
Creation and interpretation of dramatized readingsStudent writings in June and November 2017, according to the writings of students from the IUT Informatique. Performances are given at the theater on campus, Le Bouillon.
Alliance Française in Ostrava - Czech Republic
Director: Eric Cénat
Theatrical Reading:Run(based on the novel by Jean Echnoz about the sportsman Emil Zatopek)
Representation Thursday, October 12, 2017.
French Institute in Prague - Czech Republic
Director: Eric Cénat
Intervention with French teachers in the country on learning and the technique of reading aloud.
October 2017
French Institute in Prague - Czech Republic
Director: Eric Cénat
Intervention with French teachers in the country on learning and the technique of reading aloud.
October 2017
The University of Technology in Compiègne (60)
Director: Claire Vidoni
In partnership with the Scène Nationale de l'Oise, the Espace Jean Legendre and the Théâtre de Compiègne.
Show/conference:The Tribunal of Future Generations
May 2017
Dasicka High School in Pardubice - Czech Republic
Director: Eric Cénat
With the support of Aux Arts Lycéens and Decentralized Cooperation.
Show :hyperland
Created in March 2017
High schools Hejcin in Olomouc, Pavel Tigrid in Ostrava and Juan Neruda in Prague - Czech Republic
Director: Eric Cénat
Preparation of students for the National Reading Aloud Competition.
February, March, June, October 2017
Alliance Française in Pardubice - Czech Republic
Director: Eric Cénat
Reading: from a selection of text by Robert Desnos
Reading aloud course with feedback to members of the Alliance Française.
February 2017
School of Commerce and Management (ESCEM) of Orléans (45)
Director: Eric Cénat
"Start" and "VIP Seminar" activities, aimed at preparing students for their exams and their future professional life at Maison Bourgogne, and the "Les Électifs" system.
January to March 2017
Robert Lasneau College in Vendôme (41)
Director: Eric Cénat
In partnership with l'Hectare - Conventional stage of Vendôme (41)
Show :New York New York
Rehearsals from October 2015 to May 2016.
Performances in 2017 at the Hectare - Vendôme subsidized stage.
Pierre de Ronsart high school in Vendôme (41)
Director: Eric Cénat
In partnership with l'Hectare - Conventional stage of Vendôme (41)
Show :Rhinoceros
Rehearsals from October 2015 to May 2016.
Representation on Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at the Hectare - Vendôme subsidized scene.
Leonardo da Vinci High School in Amboise (37)
Director: Isabelle Chevallier
Show :The Imaginary Journey
Rehearsals from October 2015 to May 2016.
Representation on Wednesday May 3, 2016 at the Théâtre Beaumarchais in Amboise.
Chrudim High School - Czech Republic
Director: Eric Cénat
Responsible teachers: Monika Krecanova and Zdenek Krusina
Creation of a French-speaking showBy car Simone based on text by Luc Tartar.
Three performances on Friday March 18, 2016 at Chrudim Theater, then on Monday June 20, 2016 at the French Institute in Prague and on Wednesday June 22, 2016 at Theater 29 in Pardubice.
IUT Computer Science Department of the University of Orléans-la-Source (45)
Directors, actors: Éric Cénat & Claire Vidoni
Creation and interpretation of dramatized readingsStudent writings in November 2016, according to the writings of students from the IUT Informatique. Performances are given at the theater on campus, Le Bouillon.
School of Commerce and Management (ESCEM) of Orléans (45)
Director: Eric Cénat
Creation of a showThe Business Comedy Club performed at the Maison des Arts et de la Musique d'Orléans, accompanied by the related "Start" and "VIP Seminar" activities, aimed at preparing students for their exams and their future professional life .
Robert Lasneau College in Vendôme (41)
Director: Eric Cénat
In partnership with l'Hectare - Conventional stage of Vendôme (41)
Show :Her Karneval
Rehearsals from October 2014 to May 2015.
Performance, Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at the Hectare - Vendôme subsidized stage.
Jean Esmond College in Vendôme (41)
Director: Eric Cénat
In partnership with l'Hectare - Conventional stage of Vendôme (41)
Show :Romeo and Juliet
Rehearsals from October 2014 to May 2015.
Representation Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at the Hectare - Vendôme subsidized stage.
Fernand Léger College in Vierzon (18)
Director: Eric Cénat
In partnership with the General Council of Cher (18)
Show :The black choir by Stanislas Cotton
Rehearsals from December 2014 to May 2015.
Representation on Saturday May 16, 2015 at the Resistance Museum in Bourges, as part of La Nuit des Musées. Representation Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at the General Council of Cher.
Performance Friday, May 29, 2015 at the Petit Théâtre de la Noue in Vierzon.
Leonardo da Vinci High School in Amboise (37)
Director: Eric Cénat
Creation of a Franco-Spanish showAntigona Velez after Antigone by Jean Anouilh.
Rehearsals from October 2014 to May 2015.
Representation on Friday May 22, 2015 in Amboise.
Pierre Mendes France High School in Villiers le Bel (95)
Director, actress: Claire Vidoni
In partnership with AGEFA as part of the “Top PME” scheme
Collection of testimonies from students in school dropout situations trying to resume the path of academic and professional learning.
Creation of a theatrical readingLinked lives: the bright future
Representation Tuesday, May 26, 2015 in Villiers le Bel.
IUT Computer Science Department of the University of Orléans-la-Source (45)
Directors, actors: Éric Cénat & Claire Vidoni
Creation and interpretation of dramatized readingsStudent writings in November 2014 and June 2015, according to texts, work by students of the IUT Informatique. Performances are given at the theater on campus, Le Bouillon.
School of Commerce and Management (ESCEM) of Orléans (45)
Director: Eric Cénat
Creation of a showThe Business Comedy Club performed at the Maison des Arts et de la Musique d'Orléans, accompanied by the related "Start" and "VIP Seminar" activities, aimed at preparing students for their exams and their future professional life .
Animatheque of Sceaux (92)
Actions carried out with the town's primary schools with Jacques Dupont.
Through adapted exercises (improvisations, sketches, etc.), the children are confronted with theatrical language; its rules, its codes, its requirements, in order to develop its imagination and its creativity.
A real work of initiation and awakening to the performing arts.
Claude Debussy College in Guerche sur L'Aubois (18)
The director, Éric Cénat, intervened with a class, in particular on the staging of the show
The Cid by Cornelius.
Jean Zay High School in Orleans (45)
The director, Claire Vidoni, intervened with a class in particular on the staging of part of the show Much Ado About Nothing by W. Shakespeare. This project was carried out as part of the "Aux Arts, high school students and apprentices" scheme.
French High School in Meknes (Morocco)
Éric Cénat, director and actor, as well as François Rascal, singer and musician, led a workshop around the show Boris and Boby.
IUT IT in Orléans-la-Source (45)
Action carried out at the initiative of the DRAC and the University
Reading of student texts (module related to written expression) by Claire Vidoni and Rémi Goutalier.
Readings of student texts (module related to written expression) by Claire Vidoni. The director, Éric Cénat works with first-year students as part of the “Methodologies”, “Marketing” options and the “VIP” seminar. It is about the theatricalization of defenses. It also prepares students for acting in front of the camera in order to film fiction films as part of the “Little Red Riding Hood” scheme. A named show was presented on stage!
"Technique of expression" module for 1st year and special year students with Ghislaine Agnez and Eric Cénat.
"Theatre" module for 2nd year students with Ghislaine Agnez.
An exceptional reading, namedAnthology, a selection of the best student texts.