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Cultural actions archives


CERCIL - Memorial Museum of the Children of Vel d'Hiv (45)

Exhibition "Our command Kwibuka 23"

(Artistic diversion of the Ten Hutu Commandments) produced by the children of the Belgian school in Kigali

Following the performances of the show "Primo Levi and Ferdinando Camon: conversations" in 2017 in Rwanda


Animatheque MJC of Sceaux (92)

​Creation of shows with amateurs

The crime of the Orient Expressbased on a text by Agatha Christie,buildingby Léonore Confino,Tom the unicornby Jacques DupontPinocchioaccording to Collodi

Staging and adaptations: Jacques Dupont


All Argonnaises: women's journeys, words of life

In partnership with the Center - Val de Loire Region, the DRAC Center - Val de Loire, the Delegation for Women's Rights and the ASELQO Marie Stuart in Orléans.

Claire Vidoni, actress and directoron stage, met women fromliteracy workshopsof the Center ASELQO Marie Stuart, of the Argonne. These women told him about their life journey and told him how important it was to learn French. Claire Vidoni returned their testimonies and made a public reading of them, in front of them, on June 27, 2014 at the Marie Stuart Center.


In 2015, the action was renewed with a new group of women. Claire Vidoni was assisted by Carine Hémery who notably worked on the coordination and organization of the group but also as an actress. That year, some women read part of their testimony. The public performance took place at the Marie Stuart Center on Friday, June 5, 2015.

ASELQO Romain Rolland in Orléans-la-Source

In partnership with the Center - Val de Loire Region with the Fight against Exclusions and the Delegation for Women's Rights.

Collection of testimonialsin literacy workshops.

Creation of a public reading designed and performed by Claire Vidoni.



MJC Village in Creteil (94)


Intervention of the director Éric Cénat, on a reading aloud.


Saran Social Service (45)

In partnership with the AssociationLearn, Write and Understand Frenchand the educators of the Saran Social Service, the projectWrite your life on stagefight against illiteracy, was set up from March 2012.

Claire Vidoni, director, has already collected, in the form of interviews, several testimonies from adults who take French lessons in Saran (mainly foreigners from Chechnya, Cambodia, North Africa, etc.). She then  transcribed their words.

A reading, under the titleIt makes you freer!was scheduled in Saran.




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