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Creation: 2020

Co-production: National Office for Veterans and Victims of War

Design and interpretation:Eric Cenat and Claire Vidoni

Duration: 1 hour

They were more than a thousand, resistance fighters sentenced to death or hostages, shot at Mont Valérien. Written between the winter of 1940 and the spring of 1944, a few hours before their execution, their last letters are the expression of intimate lyrics, filled with hope, friendship and love for loved ones. Censored by the occupier or transmitted secretly, they reflect thepatriotic and fraternal values. These last writings are true witnesses of the commitment of these men in resistance.

“I die a victim of the stupidity of some

and the rigor of others.

I forgive everyone”

Léonce Laval to his wife, Romainville, September 20, 1942

Shot as a hostage on September 21, 1942, Mont-Valérien

Mémorial du Mont Valérien - Cie le Théâtre de l'Imprévu
Last Goodbyes
Letters from those shot at Mont-Valérien

Creation 2020

September 06, 2020

Mont Valérien Memorial inSuresnes(92)






© 1986 - 2021 / Le Théâtre de l'Imprévu - All rights reserved - Show entrepreneur license: R-2020-006802

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