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School year 2019-2020

Orleans (45)

Throughout the year... 2019-2020

"Freedom Poems"
In partnership with the City of Orléans, FOL 45 and CERCIL
As part of the "An artist in my class" scheme
Jean Mermoz Elementary School in Orleans
Speaker: Eric Cénat

The performance "Poèmes en liberté" was scheduled for June 19, 2020 at the Gérard Philipe Theater in Orléans.
Health crisis: The performance has been cancelled. The rehearsals were transformed into digital work, in conjunction with their teacher. 

Orleans La Source (45)

June 2020

"Body and Vocal Expression"
Writing workshops with students 
Partnership with the IUT - IT Department
Speaker: Eric Cénat

"Student writings"
Reading of texts written by students
Performance hall Le Bouillon d'Orléans La Source
Partnership with the IUT - Computer Science Department of the University of Orléans
Direction and acting: Éric Cénat and Claire Vidoni

Health crisis: 6 performances were digitally transformed in 2020

Vendome (41)

Throughout the year... 2019-2020

Reading aloud course
Ronsard High School
Speaker: Eric Cénat
La Grande Librairie National Competition(France 5)
Robert Lasneau College
Éric Cénat prepared four classes in January 2020. He accompanied, with the college librarian, a 6th grade student selected for the final.
He also intervened a second time to prepare for the 2021 competition.

Montreuil (93)

Throughout the year... 2019-2020

"Robert's Garden"
1st class of the Polyvalent High School of horticulture and landscaping trades
Based on poems by Robert Desnos
Partnership with the Robert Desnos Library in Montreuil
Speaker: Eric Cénat 

Health crisis: The performance "Le Jardin de Robert" was scheduled for June 5, 2020 at the Robert Desnos Library in Montreuil, an evening during which Éric Cénat and Patrice Delbourg were also to perform the reading "Robert Desnos, the man who wore him all the dreams in the world". The performances have been cancelled.
The rehearsals were transformed into digital work in conjunction with their teacher.

Chartres (93)

Throughout the year... 2019-2020

Eloquence project "Call of June 18, 1940"
Within the framework of the Departmental Youth Council of Eure et Loir
Partnership with the Departmental Council of 28 and FOL 28
Concept and direction: Éric Cénat
Artistic collaboration: Claire Vidoni
Health crisis: The creation scheduled for June 8, 2020 has been digitally transformed thanks to the Departmental Media Library.




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